Two Seattle Seahawks players fight on the training field.

Richard Sherman fights with Phil Bates, a member of the Seattle Seahawks, on the training field.

Let’s just say that feelings got a little heated here.
In addition to being one of the NFL’s most gifted cornerbacks, Richard Sherman is also one of the league’s most divisive and vocal players at the moment. After winning the Super Bowl the previous year, the players of the Seattle Seahawks are eager to prove their worth, but yesterday things went a touch out of control. The team returned to preseason training this week.

A source claims that during Monday’s practice, wide receiver Doug Baldwin and Seattle Seahawks defender Richard Sherman (above) got into a brawl.


On Monday, the Seattle Seahawks had yet another practice. What do you think? Between teammates, there was another altercation. This time, Doug Baldwin, a wide receiver, and standout cornerback Richard Sherman engaged in combat.

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