Tyler Lockett wife born twins

Tyler Lockett feels a strong bond with the California family, and for good reason. In addition, he has advice for his namesake: “You have to never give up if you want to be a Lockett.”

In the changing room, music was playing. Tyler Lockett asked to film a video while sporting a hat that declared the Seahawks the NFC West champions following their dominance over the Rams in December.

Lockett was aware that I had been working on a story on a California family whose 2-month-old kid had experienced a series of health issues even before his birth. The infant was receiving dialysis and would require a kidney donation shortly. Despite never having met them, Lockett had a legitimate cause to feel a strange bond with the family—they had named their baby Lockett after reading an article about Tyler last summer.

Tyler looked up as he put on his shoes and socks.

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