Wilyer Abreu welcome new born baby boy

A promotion, an engagement, and a baby all happened on a hectic WooSox off-day.

WORCESTER: A promotion, an engagement, and a baby.

That’s a solid five-year plan for most folks. That was simply another day off for the Worcester Red Sox in 2023.

Wilyer Abreu, an outfielder, and his spouse welcomed their first child into the world early on Monday morning. Pitcher Brandon Walter proposed to his fiancĂ©e a few hours later. As if all of that enthusiasm wasn’t enough for one day, outfielder/infielder Ceddanne Rafaela received word in the afternoon that he had made his first promotion to the Red Sox.

Before this week’s six-game series against the Norfolk Tides, WooSox manager Chad Tracy stated, “We’ve got a couple of engagements, we’ve got babies coming, we’ve got a lot of stuff going on, but I’m happy for those guys.” It’s excellent. There has been a lot going on.


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