Happy anniversary to Stephen Hendry an his beautiful wife

Stephen Hendry describes his son’s tragic stillbirth in 2003

Snooker player Stephen Hendry has laid bare his family’s heartbreak following the stillbirth of his son in 2003.


In his upcoming autobiography Me and the Table , Hendry describes how he was given the tragic news in a phone call from his tearful wife following a World Championships defeat that year.


The couple had been having IVF as they tried for a second child to join Blaine, born in 1996.


The pair would go on to have another son, Carter, the following year.


But burying their unborn child was a numbing pain shared by the childhood sweethearts.


Stephen and Mandy wanted Blaine to have a little brother or sister

Any disappointment I feel after my quarter final defeat in the 2003 World Championship is dwarfed by a phone call from Mandy. She is in tears and her words shock me to the core.


“It’s the baby,” she says. “We’ve lost it. I thought something was wrong, I had a test and it’s dead inside me.”


I go home immediately, numb with pain and sorrow.

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