Fred VanVleet wife welcome new born baby boy

Fred Jr. was born to Shontai Neal, the girlfriend of Fred VanVleet.

A boy was born to Shontai Neal, the girlfriend of Fred VanVleet, just before Game 4 of the Bucks-Raptors playoff series. On Monday, May 20, Fred Jr. was born in Rockford, Illinois, Fred’s hometown.

According to ESPN, Fred took a plane from Toronto to Rockford after Game 3 to be with Neal during the birth of their kid, and then took another plane to Toronto for Game 4. The couple’s second kid, Fred Jr., is the newest member of the family, along with their daughter, Sanaa. VanVleet also returned to Rockford before Game 5 and drove the hour and a half to Milwaukee, according to TSN’s Josh Lewenberg.

VanVleet, his fiancée, and their infant son, Fred Jr., spent the night in their Rockford, Illinois, home. This morning, he drove for ninety minutes to Milwaukee, arrived at midday, and managed to fit in a quick snooze. Hasn’t slept much, but claims that his emotional high is getting him through. Lewenberg

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