Bradley Dack wife give birth to baby boy

Following Bradley Dack’s wedding, Olivia Attwood talks about having children and promises to give birth on television.
Olivia Attwood, a former Love Island star, stated that if she and her current husband Bradley Dack have children, it would be “natural” to film her giving birth for her ITVBe reality program.

If Olivia Attwood and her husband Bradley Dack ever have children, she has stated that she intends to give birth live on camera. The 32-year-old former Love Island star and 29-year-old football player Brad were joined in marriage in June at London’s five-star Bulgari hotel in an exquisite ceremony.

In her ITVBe reality series Olivia Meets Her Match and Olivia Marries Her Match, she has already revealed personal information about herself, including her Ibiza hen party and wedding. And Olivia just now.

Despite acknowledging that she is “obsessed” with her profession and her new husband Brad, she says she “doesn’t wake up thinking about kids.” Nevertheless, she says people frequently ask her when she plans to have children, even though she is in her 30s. The couple is unsure at this point if having children is in their future, but if it is, Olivia intends to share the experience with her viewers on her reality show.
She told MailOnline, “The thought of recording my birth is unsettling, but yes, in some way it would be natural to share that, and I’d want to.” “I think it would be fun, and it would be really cool to see me making life happen for the viewers who have grown up with me.” implying that it won’t

At their £200,000 summer wedding, which reportedly included 10,000 roses and a 10-tier cake, Olivia and Brad made sure no penny was overlooked. On the other hand, the bride donned a custom-made, £30,000 lace gown designed by fashion designer Galia Lahav.


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