Sad news:Dolphins Head Coach Mike McDaniel have serious issues with Dan Marino one has to leave …..

Dolphins Head Coach Mike McDaniel Drops F-Bomb During Press Conference: “Whoops… Coach Speak”


I’m gonna go ahead and make the bet that Miami Dolphins head coach Mike McDaniel will be the most interesting personality in the NFL this season.


Only 39-years-old, he looks the type of guy you’d see zooted out of his mind at a Grateful Dead concert, rather than coaching a professional football team at the highest level.


However, they swear the guy is an offensive genius, and the Dolphins offense is supposedly gonna flourish with this guy at the helm.


Not to mention, he had one helluva hilarious moment at a recent press conference…


While talking about who the Dolphins need to draft, he let a specific word slip up that had the whole room in tears.


He said:


“You have to talk me out of trying to pitch to Chris to draft a defensive lineman or edge, every fuckin’… WHOOPS… Coach speak!”


You gotta love a little first year head coach screw up here and there.


I have a feeling this won’t be the last time this guy will be in the headlines this upcoming NFL season…



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